I’m not a favorite things person, its difficult to me select the one. So I talk about the current addiction. in this quarantine i saw one and another time Avatar the last airbender. I had already seen this tv series when i was a child and teenager, but if you see this, you understand me. For me Avatar is like El principito because always i see some new, new think, and new teaching. I like it because this tv show talk about simple things. The character, in my opinion, are not classified as good or as bad person. Everyone of them made mistakes and they had to search the solution. Although they are different each other, they learn of the culture of other. The characters also change a lot from the beginning to the end, they aren't static people and this are the reason number one because is one of my favorite series. And last but no least important, this tv show is animated and i like this kind of series. In this sense, i would like see the second season of this series, someone told me this second part "is not the same" because the protagonist is so much powerful than Aang, others says is better than the first part. I’m waiting for the vacation and have more time and do a marathon. Because now I see the episodes without order and only one for day. In the last days i saw in internet a comic about this tv show but I don’t know this comic was official or a fan made.
